Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My first attempt at Blogging

So today is the day that move into the techno world of Blogging. I've been inspired by other PN followers, so here I am...beginning my blog.

I'm not really sure who will read it, but i guess that's not really the point. My plan is to list my training and nutrition plans, talk about how I'm transforming into the superior being i want to become. Maybe this holds you accountable, I'm not sure but i do know it is kinda fun.

I travel for work and have lots of time on my hand when I'm in hotels, so why not blog i say!!

Travel tips would be good. How to stay healthy on the road? That's a good topic.

I'm in NYC right now and having a hard time of it actually. I broke down and got a glass of wine, well 2 that is. I was sooooo bored and all i could think about was how good a nice glass of Merlot would taste while I'm blogging. Not to mention starting next week I'm not suppose to be drinking any alcoholic beverages.

To cheers to my new blog.


p.s. my name isn't Jammie, but I felt weird using my name:-)


Take One Stripper Pole said...

You can be Princess Consuela Wilderheim Brockton Smith if you like ... it is your blog! Looking forward to doing PN with you! Welcome to blogging!

Jadey said...

Welcome to the blog world hun! Looks like you have figured it out well.